Hello there, little blog. It’s been far too long since I’ve written. For some reason, I’ve had complete writer’s block when it comes to this blog (blogger’s block?). Now summer is drawing to a close and the first whispers of fall are in the air.
The best way to push through writer’s block is to write, so here I am, and I figured I could break the metaphorical ice by writing a little update about the goings-on in my life over the last few weeks.
I Was Bitten By A Cat
My sweet kitty Darwin bit me on the hand repeatedly as I attempted to give him a shot. It wasn’t his fault – I had restrained him and he got scared, and he only bit me because he could not run away from me – but the injury left me unable to use my left hand up until a few days ago. I had to keep my hand in a splint, wrapped with an Ace bandage. I was taking antibiotics that give me terrible headaches and at times make me sick to my stomach. I missed work for nearly a week, spending my days recuperating on the couch.
I was bitten on a Saturday, and didn’t go to urgent care for treatment until Sunday. Please, don’t do this. If you are bitten by an animal and suffer actual puncture wounds, go get checked out right away. Animal bites are nasty things. Left untreated, they can develop dangerous infections. I received a tetanus shot and antibiotics, and even with all that, I still developed an infection in my bite wounds and had to be prescribed a second antibiotic to supplement what I was already taking. I also had to have X-rays – at times, a part of the animal’s tooth can be broken off when they bite, and if you have a tiny piece of tooth embedded in your wound, it will never heal. One of the doctors who treated me told me a scary story about a woman who was bitten on the hand by a cat, and developed a severe infection that required hospitalization. So, even though it might seem like a huge inconvenience to go to urgent care or the Emergency Room for what you think is just a minor wound, go anyway. I’m grateful that a couple of friends of mine urged me to seek medical treatment, because my situation could have been a LOT worse if I’d persisted in trying to tough it out on my own. Bite wounds are no joke.
Thankfully after a week I started to really feel better, and my hand is on the mend. I have had an absolutely wonderful week so far, which may be due in part to my get-well present to myself. Which leads me to my next bit of life news….
I Bought A New Car
Second only to my reputation of being a cat lady is my reputation for trading cars. What can I say? I spend a lot of time in my car, and a new one is always so much fun! This time, I feel that I really treated myself to an indulgence. My latest vehicle is a 2009 Infiniti G37x, a beautiful, sleek car with 330 horsepower and enough technology features that I still haven’t quite figured out what all the buttons do!
In short, this car is AWESOME. I love everything about it. It’s comfortable. It’s a blast to drive. Friends have told me that it suits me, and I quite agree. Yesterday I had a particularly frustrating afternoon, and was in a sour mood. But once I got into my car to head home, I found myself feeling more relaxed and happy.
I Started Fall Semester
Yes, college is back in session, so I am hitting the books. I doubled my course load this semester (doesn’t that sound WAY cooler than saying I’m taking two classes instead of one?), and I’m finding the increased amount of work challenging. I’m grateful for the opportunity to go to school and feel incredibly fortunate that my employer pays for my tuition. But it’s difficult trying to go to school while working full time. Sometimes I get very discouraged, because I am super busy trying to keep up with everything and yet I’m plodding along toward my degree at a snail’s pace. But I’m determined to keep going, even when I get depressed at how long this is taking. I keep reminding myself it’ll be worth it in the end.
So That’s Where I’ve Been…What’s Next?
September is going to be a very busy month for me. Paul’s parents are coming for a visit, and Paul and my sister have birthdays this month. I’m heading to Vegas for my cousin’s 40th birthday, and I’ll be celebrating my ten-year work anniversary. I’m really excited for all the fun plans we have in the next few weeks!